Other "Unknown" Sayings of Jesus

April 13, 2024 00:06:36
Other "Unknown" Sayings of Jesus
Ehrman Blog Daily Post Podcasts
Other "Unknown" Sayings of Jesus

Apr 13 2024 | 00:06:36


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Read by Ken Teutsch.

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[00:00:01] Speaker A: Other unknown sayings of Jesus written by Bart Ehrman, read by Ken Teutsch. Here are now some more Agrapha sayings of Jesus not found in any of the surviving gospels. I say more about Agrapha in the previous post. These ones are found in writings of church fathers who appear to have had access to gospels unavailable to us, or at least to have heard non canonical sayings of Jesus in some other way. You will be able to find info on each church father writing mentioned pretty easily online. Papias, according to Irenaeus, against heresies thus the elders who saw John the disciple of the Lord, remembered hearing him say how the Lord used to teach about those times, saying, the days are coming when vines will come forth, each with 10,000 boughs, and on a single bough will be 10,000 branches, and indeed on a single branch will be 10,000 shoots, and on every shoot 10,000 clusters, and in every cluster will be 10,000 grapes, and every grape, when pressed, will yield 25 measures of wine. And when any of the saints grab hold of a cluster, another will cry out, I am better. Take me, bless the Lord through me. So too a grain of wheat will produce 10,000 heads, and every head will have 10,000 grains, and every grain will yield ten pounds of pure, exceptionally fine flour. So too the remaining fruits and seeds and vegetation will produce in similar proportions, and all the animals who eat this food, taken from the earth will come to be at peace and harmony with one another, yielding in complete submission to humans. And in addition, he says, these things. [00:01:46] Speaker B: Can be believed by those who believe. [00:01:49] Speaker A: And the betrayer Judas, he said, did not believe, but asked, how then can the Lord bring forth such produce? The Lord then replied, those who come into those times will see. And so he says, those who wish to see me and touch my kingdom must take hold of me through pain and suffering. For even he himself says, I will acknowledge before my father the one who acknowledges me before others. For he says, not everyone who says to me, Lord, Lord, will be saved, but only the one who does righteousness. The Lord has said, even if you were cuddled up with me next to my breast, but did not do what I have commanded, I would cast you. [00:02:42] Speaker B: Away and say to you, leave me. [00:02:44] Speaker A: I do not know where you are from, you who do what is lawless. Five, two, four. For the Lord said, you will be like sheep in the midst of wolves. But Peter replied to him, what if the wolves rip apart the sheep? Jesus said to Peter, after they are dead, the sheep should fear the wolves. No longer so too you do not fear those who kill you and then can do nothing more to you but fear the one who after you die, has the power to cast your body and soul into the hell of fire. Eight five for the Lord says in the gospel, if you do not keep what is small, who will give you what is great? For I say to you that the one who is faithful in very little is faithful also in much. Twelve two six for when the Lord himself was asked by someone when his kingdom would come, he said, when the two are one and the outside like the inside, and the male with the female is neither male nor female. When you do these things, he says, the kingdom of my father will come. 13 two for the Lord says, my name is constantly blasphemed among all the outsiders. And again he says, woe to the one who causes my name to be blasphemed. 13 four they hear from us that God has said it is no great accomplishment for you to love those who love you. It is great if you love your. [00:04:17] Speaker B: Enemies and those who hate you. [00:04:20] Speaker A: Justin dialogue with Trifo 47 five therefore our Lord Jesus Christ said, in whatever circumstances I overtake you in those, I will also judge you. Kerygma Petru Clement of Alexander Stromatius 6543 for this reason Peter indicates that the Lord said to the apostles, if then anyone in Israel wishes to believe in God after repenting through my name, his sins will be forgiven. But after twelve years go out into the world so that no one can say we did not hear. Clement of Alexandria Stro Mateusz 6648 I chose you twelve, judging you to be disciples worthy of me, you whom the Lord desired, and considering you faithful apostles, I send you into the world to proclaim the gospel to people throughout the earth, that they might know that there is one God, and to reveal the things that are about to take place through faith in me, the Christ, so that those who hear and believe may be saved, but those who hear and do not believe may bear witness that they have no excuse to say we did not hear. Clement of Alexandria Sto Mat 124 one five eight for he says, ask for the great things, and the small things will be given you as well. For the Lord proclaimed in a certain gospel, my mystery is for me and the children of my house. For this reason the savior says, save yourself and your soul. Origen commentary on John 19 seven two keeping the commandment of Jesus, which says, be skillful, money changers commentary on Matthew 13 two and Jesus indeed said, I was weak because of the weak. And I was hungry because of the hungry. And I was thirsty because of the thirsty.

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