What Do YOU Think? A Matter of Life and Death

August 21, 2021 00:04:58
What Do YOU Think? A Matter of Life and Death
Ehrman Blog Daily Post Podcasts
What Do YOU Think? A Matter of Life and Death

Aug 21 2021 | 00:04:58


Show Notes

A NEW BLOG FEATURE! I’ve decided to try something new on the blog today. I’d like *your* view about something, your honest opinion based on serioous expertise or complete non-expertise. For this new feature, which I’m calling “What Do You Think?”, I will NOT be responding to comments/questions, I’ll simply be posting them, without making a reply, comment, question, or anything else to, so you can express yourself and have others can see your views. (As always, I will not be posting comments that are rude to others or irrelevant to the question – for example, castigations of particular politicians that many but not all of us may despise, on one side of the political chasm facing us or the other. [!]) Others of course can comment on your comment as they choose — and I hope they do. I’ll be listening in. For my oen fun, education, and edification! Read by Petra Ortiz

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